Proper installation of a leach field on your property is critical. Installing it yourself is not only very risky but illegal. At SepTek Services, we’re here to ensure that no mistakes are made during the installation process and that it is done right the first time.
Our team includes soil scientists and designers who can advise the best place for leach field installation. Once the site is finalized and it’s determined that it will not interfere with utility lines, construction can begin. Excavation can take up to one or two days, including installation of the distribution box, chambers, and proper connections.
By using quality materials and tending to routine maintenance, your leach field should last and function efficiently for many years. You can have peace of mind knowing that your family, home, and environment are safe. Contact us at SepTek Services for more information on the professional installation of a leach field.
When issues appear with your leach field and repairs are apparent, there’s no better time than the present to take action. Improperly treated sewage can adversely affect water supplies by leaching into groundwater and wells. And consumption of toxic water can lead to dysentery, hepatitis, and other foreign pathogens.
At SepTek Services, we’re diligent about performing leach field repairs properly to keep your property safe from potential environmental and health hazards. Our technicians are equipped with the highest quality of equipment, including a high-power jet and vacuum and jet to clear all drain lines and remove toxins. We inspect all tanks thoroughly, make sure baffles are operating properly, and drain dry well pumps if necessary.
Timely cleaning and maintenance of your leach or drain field are essential for a functional, hygienic, and odor-free septic system. Proper routine cleaning helps remove disease-causing microorganisms from the septic tank and increases the lifespan of your system. You can rely on the professionals at SepTek Services for comprehensive leach field cleaning and maintenance services. We have the experience and equipment to keep your drain field clean and healthy.
It is our goal to help you live a cleaner, healthier life by maintaining and cleaning your septic system and thereby making the environment safer for everyone. We can help ensure that your septic system is properly cleaned, maintained, and always running properly.